Welcome to www.earlyharpmusic.net!

This website offers a selection of early music (from the Middle Ages to the 18th century), edited and adapted for the harp, in digital or print format.

The impetus to start this website started with my experience as a performer and teacher on historical harps. The "early" or "historical" harp community has grown considerably in the last years. There are ever more passionate players of all levels, but there is still little learning material specifically presented for early harps.

My aim is to offer music in a medium and presentation that allows harpists to easily find music appropriate to their level and instrument.

I hope you will enjoy browsing this website and find music that fits you and your harp. Don't hesitate to
be in touch!

A little about me:

As a performer I specialize in early instruments in repertoires ranging from the Middle Ages to the Baroque era, as well as contemporary compositions for historical instruments.

I teach historical harps at the
Conservatoire de Besançon in France (beginner to Bachelor level) as well as in several courses and masterclasses among which the Spielkurs Rangendingen (De), Medieval Music Besalú (Es) and the Settimana Musicale del Trecento (It).

You can hear me with ensembles such as Le Miroir de Musique, Gilles Binchois, Isabella (medieval and Renaissance music), Kesselberg, Akadêmia, Millenium Orchestra (baroque music).

If you are interested to learn more about myself as an artist, please visit me at

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